Let's GUT Healthy
I'm so happy you stumbled upon my page! You may be starting where I was and just wanting to up your health game or you may have food sensitivities, acne, brain fog or even more serious GI issues!!
When I was introduced to this Love Your Gut Protocol I didn't think I'd need it. I wanted it to help my family, my friends and my clients. I already took probiotics, I exercised and ate healthy. I loved all the science behind the protocol so I swapped out my probiotics for the pre+probiotics pixies and I noticed quickly they were different. They were the real deal.
I started drinking repair+ and my bloating banished!! I took these digestwel+ tablets and saw more definition in all of my muscles. What I thought would just make me generally healthier gave me real, dramatic improvements!!
I couldn't wait to share it with my family and then you guys, my friends!
Your gut isn't just going to be the largest contributor to your physical health but also your mental health! About 80-90% of Serotonin is produced in the gut, this is the neurotransmitter that makes you happy. It helps with mood and sleep.
Our gut is our second brain, if it isn't working properly, then neither is our brain or our bodies!
I used to help people get healthy, now I help them gut happy & healthy!!
Take the survey below. These 8 questions about symptoms are just the surface of what you could be experiencing if you are having internal issues. If you are experiencing more than 1 of these symptoms then let's gut together! Answer the questions below and I will be sure to email you back with my recommendations on where to start on this journey!